Friday 11 March 2011

L O S T (Stage Two)

The one thing I forgot to mention about Stage One, was that the fictional author Gary Troup also did an interview for his book Bad Twin before catching Flight 815, which was subsequently cut in to segments and scattered across the internet, and he talked about his previous novel The Valenzetti Equation. Thought i'd just mention that as it may be important later. Or not.

Phase Two began with the shut down of and some smart arses found that by looking in the source code, there was another website hidden in their. Again, the site is now dead as it was sometime ago. Anyway, it linked to a seemingly innocent blog from a woman known as Rachel Blake talking about her European travels. When you entered a code somewhere on the site, it took you to the REAL website,

This phase also introduced the game villain Thomas Werner Mittlewerk. To be honest, this phase was predominantly internet based and didn't employ much of a cross platform experience, so I apologise if this post seems brief. There was a TV interview with one of the fictional executives of the Hanso Foundation on the late night TV show, Jimmy Kimmel. If you like LOST then, then the first minute or so has nothing to do with what i'm talking about but after that, it get's to what i'm talking about.

The next phase was the BEST part of the whole game and the reason this ARG is a stand out example of Cross Platform Practice.

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