Sunday 20 March 2011

Workload Overload!!!

So, today has been a rather productive day for me. I have been working since 1pm and have just finished at 7pm. Sure I spent the last half hour tidying my room but it's still pretty damn productive! Now an advance warning, this is not a fancy post with images or videos, i'm far too beat up to bother with that hoo ha, so it's literally just text.

So, since I completed the App demo, I managed to get my mate to create the spiders once more but with a closer zoom on the spiders. He did it with ease, which I appreciated as it meant I could crack on with creating the demo. The first demo didn't impress one of the producers who was expecting the hand to be moving to show the spiders crawling. Unfortunately as the camera was only booked for the one day which we only found out in the last half hour before it needed to be returned, we sort of panicked and didn't do the movements the way she would of liked them anyway. Also the screen wasn't marked up so I couldn't have the screen mask follow the phone effectively. This is something I would obviously rectify to get it right. Anyway, that was done and then we went in for a meeting on Saturday to have a time rehearsal for our presentation.

It was here that my workload began, with requests left, right and centre. The most important of all was from our writer who was dealing with getting some postcards printed. It turns out that they needed a 5mm bleed space around the edge just in case. Now, I will admit I struggled to get my head around this. So at start, I put a 5mm white border around the edge of the current design. The printers called back telling us that was wrong and the text needed to be moved in 5mm, which served for a major brain melt down, as I had to go through each design and save the text separately in order to move it differently from the background. This took forever and my brain actually physically melted by the end of it all.

While trying to sort all this out, I had people asking me to play the videos to show them with me saying no, because I need to get the postcards sorted otherwise they won't get to the printers before they closed at 2pm. Tough deadline but I met it w/ 5 minutes to spare. Didn't take in to consideration the lack of willingness for anybody to do anything when they are closing in 5 minutes. So we have to wait until Monday for them to tell us if they are correct. Dear god, they better be correct!

So then after that, I started learning how to create images with transparent backgrounds, as the director working on creating the website needed the text logo separate to put on to the website. Nice and simple really, you just create the image, put a transparent layer behind it, get rid of the stuff you don't want to see and save it as a .png format, which is a pain to find in Photoshop, you have to go through save for web & devices rather than the normal save as method. So that was done.

I also gave the radio student who is creating the powerpoint slides for the presentation the webisodes i've edited to put on to one of the slides. Apparently, the .mov files I gave her weren't playing for some reason, no idea why but that provided a further headache for me. I created a job list for myself that gave me 9 tasks to complete before 8pm. All tasks were done with ease really, it helps knowing what i'm doing in the first place.

Tomorrow we have the meeting and I will try to sort out the powerpoint situation and hopefully we will have put the postcard situation to bed. I'm very tired and this module is getting pretty intense now, but with minimal editing for me, which is sad so I'm looking forward to this all being over and getting back to some proper editing. I have a feeling the directors, radio students and writers feel the same way!!!

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