Monday 14 March 2011

Production Began & Ended, What A Trilogy!

Today was, well, not a long day at all. I've got to give credit to the team, this whole idea is turning in to a really legitimate idea, although it probably get stretched to a certain point so some thought would need to go in to that if they planned to sell it to a company, but the whole premise and the actor who plays Dr. Phobia is fantastic.

Pretty Sure This Is Me Arriving Late Going
By Hannah's Disappointed Look
Not going to lie, I once again missed the first part of the day. That was the recording for Dr. Phobias podcast where he offers advice on how to beat the phobia of the week. I wasn't particularly needed for that unlike the
directors and radio producer so I don't feel too bad. Turned up for the filming a tad late due to not being able to find the damn room we were filming in. The first webisode was pretty much done when I arrived, they were just doing close ups on the puppet we have who is Dr. Phobias lab assistant. I took over the role of Sound Recordist and we worked pretty well, managing to film ahead of schedule AND getting a lunch break in. Impressive stuff! I stupidly volunteered to do some special effects wizardry that I do not know how to do but I like the challenge and it actually gives me something new to learn rather than reminiscing about The Lost Experience ARG or creating simple, basic Photoshop posters for our campaign.

I have just put together a rough cut of our first webisode on Arachnaphobia, that will get dissected tomorrow by producers mainly and directors and then i'll work w/ the directors to build up a quality webisode. Need to start work on the other websiode as tomorrow we have an actress coming in to ADR for the puppet, so she needs to know the tempo she needs to match. I may have a nap first though to be honest, i'm absolutely shattered after helping out another group, which involved a lot of running! Legs feel like jelly, their presentation better be damn good, otherwise I will demand my energy back!

Photos are courtesy of Stewart Sparke by the way.

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