Sunday 27 March 2011


Due to the Lecturer's strike on Thursday, our presentation pitch got moved to the following Thursday which also meant that our essay wasn't due until the week after either. At this point, i've done 1000 words of it already, so all it requires is my final thoughts and some references to theory of cross platform practice, which i'm not entirely sure I quite understand. Ah well...

Anyway, the printing of the posters and the postcards came out great. I didn't know we were having a photo of Dr. Phobia and Lori printed as well so that was kind of cool too as they were signed.

Now the posters I have a bit of an issue with and I didn't fully figure out until we started putting the posters up around the university. The QR, as cool and useful as it is, people aren't really going to use. The only reason i'm using it is to see if the others code actually worked. On top of that, our website doesn't really load correctly on mobile phones so at the minute a bit pointless but as a future endeavour, the website would be correctly formatted for mobile phones. The other issue I had was that I was told to put the future website name on the posters, not the current one, otherwise, it looked unprofessional. That's where the problem lies, as we don't have our website on that address, putting the posters up is kind of futile seeing as no one is actually going to be able to see our website. Maybe we should have bought the domain name but at the end of the day, it's an extra cost that is slightly unnecessary when we can save money by using a temporary website as I imagine the site won't be touched again once the presentation is over.

So balls!

On another note, I have been given, well I accepted as I knew that it was being hinted to me to do it, a new task of mocking up a tour bus that we are going to show in the presentation. It involved sticky paper and ink but I have it completed but I won't post a picture of it yet, just to save on spoilers for the presentation. Even though no-one is reading this I imagine but still, better safe than sorry.

The presentation is ready to go so everything from this point is kind of just killing time. I've been working on setting up my website which is now live and has one showreel on it, so it doesn't look too lame anymore. Will work on finishing it over Easter anyway. On top of that, me and a few others are concentrating on a 48 hour sci-fi challenge where you make a film in 48 hours, but the extension has given us all time to relax and look at that in depth.

Really, other than the posters and postcards being out and about, there isn't much else for me to blog about until after the presentation. So until then...............

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